How did you guys start the podcast?

Matt called Joe one day after moving to California and said, “Hey, let’s start a podcast about horror movies!”. Joe said, “okay” (classic Joe). And the rest is history.

How do you guys know each other?

Matt and Joe met each other in college at Saint Ambrose University, in Davenport, Iowa. For the record, I think my experience at Ambrose was only enjoyable because of the friends I made there. The school itself is garbage and I don’t recommend attending school there at all. -Joe

Who the hell is Marc?

Marc attended Ambrose with Matt and Joe. All three of them were in shows at the theater department for most of the time they were there. After graduation all three of them moved to the Chicago area where Matt and Marc shared a luxurious apartment.

Where do you guys live?

What, do you think I am going to give you our home addresses? Are you nuts? Okay, I will tell you this, Matt lives somewhere in California, Joe lives somewhere in Iowa, and Marc lives outside of Chicago. All you really need to know is that when we are recording, we are not in the same room.

Is there really a lag when you record?

No, Marc is nuts and just simply doesn’t do well at trivia.

How do I sponsor the show?

It’s about time you asked, you can find details on the sponsor page.